Luxury  and refinement roman ambient, architectural elements and sculptures...    Terra Mitica



a18.- Magnus Colossus
Wooden roller-coaster. The biggest in Mediterranean, with more than 1.200 mts. length and 37 mts. height. Both carts for 32 passengers each one reach more than 100 kms./hour(62.13 miles/hour) Minimum height 1.40

a19.- El vuelo del Fénix (Phoenix' flight)
Freefall. With a height of 60 mts., it seems like a 20 floor building. Minimum height 1.40

a20.- Vertigum
Children's gondola.  Minimum heigh 1.10m

a21.- Torbellinus
Flying chairs. Maximum height 1.40 Minimun 1.10.

a22.- Tentaculus
Carriage that go up, down and spin. Minimum height 1.10. Children must be accompanied with an adult.

a23.- Ayquesustus
Free fall from 6 meter height. Minimum height 1.10

a24.- Serpentinum
Carriage that go up, down and spin. Minimum height 1.10

a25.- Rotundus
Wheel. Minimum height 1.20 and 7 years old. Children under 7 years must be accompanied with an adult.

a26.- Feria Romana (Roman Carnival)
Area where you can win different prices, depending of your skill and luck.



47.- Circus Maximus
Tarantela. A crazy Circus filled with smiles and laugter

53.- Teatro de Títeres
El príncipe y la doncella, una historia para los más peques.

69.- Acuarela
A colourful circus-like parade at the rythm of live Percussions.

99.- Lucha de Gladiadores
Striking exhibition fights performed by unrivaled Roman gladiators.


r9.- Vía Apia
Restaurant for sybarite people.From Canelloni Rossini or Carpaccio to Venician Veal/Cod, salad and sing.

r10.- Picapicae
Self-service for 850 people with show.

r11.- Pompeya
Soft drinks and sandwiches.

r12.- Famelicus
Take a break here.


t11.- Tienda Magnus Colossus
Attraction souvenirs.

t12.- Photo-Ride Magnus Colossus
Attraction picture

t13.- Itálica
Imperial Rome gifts for all the family.

t15.- Caramelium
A paradise of candies.

t16.- Fotoantiquus
Photos with a theme disguises.